What is the difference between Premium hardwood mulch, Hardwood mulch and Dyed mulch?
How do I calculate how many yards of mulch I need?
Does hardwood mulch attract termites?
Sometimes I get mold on top of mulch. What is it and is it harmful?
What is the difference between Premium hardwood mulch, hardwood mulch and dyed mulch?
Premium hardwood mulch is made from Oak wood and uses the bark and the wood. Hardwood mulch can be any type of hardwood and not include the bark of the tree. Colored dyed mulch is usually made from waste wood and is dyed with a colorant to create a variety of colors.
How do I calculate how many yards I need?
One yard of mulch will cover approximately 100sq feet at 2-3 inches deep.
Multiply the length times the width of each of your beds. Then add all your totals up and divide by 100 and that is the number of yards you will use.
Example: 10ft X 15ft = 150 ft = 1 ½ yards
See our handy mulch calculator.
How often will I need to mulch?
You will need to mulch once every year, since mulches may fade in color. Mulch keeps soil healthy by adding nutrients as it decays.
To keep mulch looking good, you may top-dress them once a year. Top-dressing is applying about an inch of new material on top of existing material.
Does hardwood mulch attract termites?
The answer is no. Termites in Illinois are subterranean. They are only attracted to wood below the earth’s surface. Since mulch is above ground, it does not attract them.
Is your mulch treated?
No, we do not treat our mulches with any chemicals. The materials used are all natural.
Sometimes I get mold on top of mulch. What is it and is it harmful?
When it gets very hot and humid, a fungus sometimes grows on top of mulch. It looks yellowish-brown in color and can be unpleasant to look at. It can easily be gotten rid of by hitting it with a rake or hoe or blasted with water from the hose. This fungus is not harmful.
Why should I mulch?
Mulch helps control soil temperature throughout hot and cool days. It is an effective method of preventing weed growth and adds nutrients to the soil as it decays. It retains rainwater moisture for less watering, and can help prevent soil erosion.
It looks good too! Mulch and bed edging can add color and a finished look to your landscaping.
When should I mulch?
Mulch can be applied anytime throughout the year, but some seasons are desirable than others.
- In spring, mulch should be 2 inches thick and pushed away from planting.
- In fall, mulch should be a 2-4 inch coverage to delay frost penetration and allow more time for root growth.
- In cold winter months, apply only 1 inch thick to insulate the ground to prevent soil warming.
How should I mulch?
The area should be cleared of all weeds, leaves and grass. If you are replenishing the mulch on an existing area, be sure to loosen up the old mulch. Using your hands to spread the mulch produces the best results. Use a thickness of 2-5 inches.